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Writer's pictureWilliam Miller

Dealing with fear and anxiety

Updated: Nov 21, 2020

Do you ever worry about your health, taking care of yourself or your family, or what is going to happen with your job? Covid was just another drop in the bucket for many. Like in the image, it seems like something is behind us, waiting to devour us at any moment. You are not alone!

I can say you are not alone from many perspectives. First, there are many people who feel the same way you feel. Uncertainty in life has been around for thousands of years, so don't feel like you are the only one. Second, but most important, God said He will never leave you or forsake you. If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, then you have been given the Holy Spirit within you as a guide and counselor. It is now impossible to be alone! Getting to know the love and power within you takes time and practice, though. Regardless of feelings, sometimes you have to let faith in Jesus guide you. Thirdly, you are surrounded by a spiritual realm. This is where the battle is in our lives. 2 Kings 6:17 talks about Elisha praying for his servant's eyes to be opened so he could see. The servant began to see the hills filled with horses and chariots there to do battle for them. We have been given the same heavenly army to do battle for us. However, it is unseen except through faith and belief.

There is another who roams around to steal, kill, and destroy, but Christ came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus took away our sins forever and made us co-heirs with him, ambassadors to his kingdom. We have been given a spirit of love, power, and sound mind. We have even been given the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. All this has been given to us to help us be of good health and prosperous. We are given this "full armor" of God to do battle in the spirit. If someone says you are not good enough remind yourself Jesus gave His life for you because He loves you and wants a relationship with you. He has good plans, He has predestined and called you. He gave you authority over every evil issue. The power of life and death is in your tongue and God's word is the sword of the spirit. If God is for you, who can be against you?

We have to take our authority over fear and anxiety. Scripture says, do not fear and to cast all our cares on Jesus. If we trust in the Lord with all our hearts, leaning not unto our own understanding, but knowing how much He loves us and that He will guide us, we will never have to fear again. If we know the amount of heavenly protection as with Elisha, we will never feel alone. Ask God for direction. Get into the Bible more and seek him first. If you have accepted Christ, then you have been set free from your past but remember, you have also been given the blessing of Abraham. Start by writing down every good thing already in you in Christ Jesus from the Bible. Just to note, the list is over 300 items long of good things. Think about what is good and praiseworthy and be excited about what God is doing in your life. Once the image of your future is in your new creation in Christ you will see joy and peace increase. You will see your situations begin to change if you think about what is good and praiseworthy, speaking positively over yourself and others. Ask the Holy Spirit every morning; "What do we get to do today?" You have the power within you to overcome because Jesus is in you and overcame. Blessings to you!

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